Suitable flowers for expecting mothers

Pregnancy takes its toll on your body as well as your mind and emotions. It’s quite easy to blame it all on the hormonal changes but it’s not all that simple to get everything under control as it once seemed to be. Since pregnant women can prove more fragile than usual, it’s important to tread lightly. If you want to send flowers to an expecting mother for her birthday, Valentine’s Day, or any other occasion, you might want to stick to a few safe options.


When choosing a bouquet, the flowers that you should avoid include hydrangeas, evening primrose, China rose, and some types of lilies. Better flowers to send would include carnations, ivy, and some kinds of succulent plants too. You want to find flowers that are attractive but have low levels of pollen and a very slight to no scent.


The best part of sending an expecting mother fresh flowers is that you will boost her mood. Many women suffer from depression due to the hormonal changes and the ways in which their bodies transform during this important journey. Flowers have been proven to improve the mood of the recipient from the moment they are received. It’s not just the visual appeal but also the fact that somebody cared enough to send them a bouquet.


While you’re at it, you can take it a step further and pamper the soon-to-be mother with some natural bath and body products or perhaps even a luxurious new bath robe or healthy gourmet hamper.  Think of all the things you know she loves the most and treat her to plenty of pampering. After all, it won’t be long before she will have to put her own needs on hold in order to offer her newborn baby everything they need at the drop of a hat!