Potted plant care – transplanting tips

Having plants in your home can make a difference in so many ways. Not only will your home be more welcoming, but they also help purify the air. Different plants offer different benefits, so make sure that you read up about the plants you want before you buy them. As they thrive and grow, each potted plant will need to be moved into a bigger ‘home’. Here are some essential transplanting tips.

Timing it right

You don’t want to transplant any potted plant while it is in bloom or in its growing phase. Wait until it enters its dormant phase before you plan the move. Different plants have different life cycles. Read about your plants before choosing a date. For the most part, you should avoid transplanting in the summer months. Most plants are best moved in the winter or cooler months of the year.

Add fertilizer

While trees and shrubs don’t need any fertilizer, your potted plant could use the extra boost. Once they are moved from their old pot to a larger one, they will need some encouragement to really take root and grow. Make sure that you choose the right fertilizer for your plant. Different formulas have been created to suit different needs.

Water time

Check the soil in the new pot before deciding whether or not you should water your newly transplanted potted plant. If you over or underwater, it can put stress on the root system which can harm or even kill the plant. If the soil is dry, add some water. Don’t overdo it! If the soil is damp, let the plant be for a couple of days. Recheck the soil again and, if it is dry, it’s time to water.

If you follow these simple repotting rules, you can be sure that your potted plant will continue to grow and thrive in its new home. When repotting, you should also take the time to inspect the root system and the plant in general. Make sure that it is still healthy. If you notice any problems, take action right away.