Hand tied bouquet or vase arrangement

When choosing a flower bouquet for a loved one or friend, you will need to make a number of decisions. From the colour scheme and types of flowers to the way in which they are displayed or presented. Flowers are a wonderful and versatile gift that you can personalise to send some very special and specific messages. When choosing between a hand tied flower arrangement and one in a vase, it’s good to understand the pros and cons of each option.


Pros and cons of hand tied bouquets

One of the main advantages of sending a hand tied bouquet is the price. Since you’re not buying a vase, you won’t be paying for one either! These kinds of bouquets can also be beautifully presented by wrapping them in some colourful tissue paper. When the recipient receives such a bouquet, they can very easily trim all of the stems and place the bunch in a vase. After removing the colourful paper and any string, the flowers will fall right into place to make the perfect display. On the down side, the recipient will need to hunt for a vase as soon as they receive their flower delivery. This might be fine if you don’t have any plans but, if you’re hosting a party or planning on going out for dinner, you will need to take time to tend to the flowers before you can leave or mingle with your guests. If the recipient does not have a suitable vase, they will be forced to settle for whatever they can find. This can result in a top heavy display or, even worse, they might need to use an old plastic bottle.


Pros and cons of vase flower arrangements

Flower arrangements presented in vases are great for so many reasons. As soon as you hand them over to the recipient, they can put it on display without worrying about finding a vase. If your florist is supplying the vase, then you can be sure that the arrangement will be perfectly balanced. Different types of bouquets require different vases. The longer the stem, the taller the vase will need to be. On the down side, vases usually come at an extra cost for obvious reasons. If you are on a tight budget, a vase might not be an option for you. That said, many florists often offer deals like a free vase with your flower order. If you want to get the most value for money, look for these special offers the next time you shop for flowers.


At the end of the day, the type of bouquet you choose will depend on your preferences and how much you’re able to spend. Consider the needs of the recipient as well. Somebody who has just moved into a new home might not have an abundant collection of vases. Even if they do, they might still be in the process of unpacking so, do them a favour by including a vase!