Fun flower costume ideas for kids and the young at heart
Kids love playing dress up and there are so many great flower themed costume ideas out there. The best part of all is that you can quite easily make the costume as simple or complex as you like. Some of these designs are best made using a sewing machine but there are some smaller scale options that can be made with a needle and thread or even a glue gun!
The first idea is to dress your little one entirely in green so that their body will act as the stem of the flower. On their head you can place a flower headband. To make one of these, all you will need is a regular plastic headband covered with a fabric sheath. Attach your flower petals to this fabric sheath so that they run along to top of your child’s head. You can even do some face painting if you like. The petals should also be made from the same fabric as the sheath covering the headband.
Another alternative is to make a floral headdress. This can be done using a firm circular base like a thick piece of floral wire. Cover the wire with flowers and leaves until it’s completely concealed. Don’t forget to use green wire or at least cover the wire with green tape. Reinforce the stems of the flowers with floral wire so that they are held in place. If you like, you can create a Hawaiian theme and make some Hawaiian leis. Let your little one wear a headdress, a lei or two, and don’t forget that hula skirt!
If you want to keep it really simple, for older children who might not want to be covered with flowers, you can put that glue gun to work. Take an old, plain coloured dress (preferably green) and attach a few small artificial flowers or flower petals. If you don’t have a glue gun, you could sew the flowers in place. You can even use individual petals to create a floral design on the dress and use some fabric paint for the yellow centre.
You can add flowers to any part of your outfit, including your shoes! Simply glue them in place, let em set, and wear with pleasure and pride!