Bridal bouquet history and tradition

The beautiful bride will carry her bouquet with her around the island and is sure to be a part of many memorable photos as well. When you go to a wedding, there comes a time when all the single ladies line up and get ready to receive the bridal bouquet. The tradition of this bouquet goes back many years. Here’s more about this fascinating story and how these traditions have evolved.

The use of herbs

Centuries ago, hygiene was not quite what it is today. The bathroom was often reserved for special occasions. As you can imagine, people back then didn’t smell all that good. To make things more pleasant for the bride, she carried a bridal bouquet of fragrant herbs down the aisle. If he sensed a bad smell coming, she could discreetly poke her nose into the bouquet. The bouquet also made her more attractive to the groom as he too could enjoy her scent amplifying her beauty.

Edible blooms

Next, the bridal bouquet would consist of edible flowers and some herbs, such as dill. Dill was included because it was believed to act as an aphrodisiac. Not only would the bride and groom eat from the bouquet, but their guests as well.

A beautiful addition

Over time, the bridal bouquet has become less of a practical item and more of an accessory. It was included in the list of arrangements the couple would order from their florist. So, when ordering centrepieces, they asked for the bride’s bouquet as well as smaller ones for their bridesmaids.

Personal choice

The bridal bouquet is not selected only based on the colour scheme of the wedding. The flowers used and the style of the bouquet will reflect the personality of the bride. Each flower has a meaning, so it’s important to do some research before choosing a design.

Give it a toss

Now comes the fun part! Throwing the bridal bouquet has been a tradition for many years. The bride is believed to be lucky to have found her love and now it’s time to pass that fortune on to another woman. She has to throw the bouquet without looking and single women have to try to catch it. It is said that whoever takes the bouquet is the next to get married. Also, the groom will take off the bride’s garter and throw it to all the bachelors. It is traditional for the man who took the garter and the woman who took the bouquet to share a dance. Some believe these two will be the next happy couple. Others say they will each marry, but not necessarily each other. Of course, another variation is for the bride to intentionally pass her fortune on to someone special. You can pick one lucky lady and give her the bouquet.

As you can see, the bridal bouquet has a long and interesting history. It has also come a long way from hand-picked herbs! Remember, if you have a modest wedding dress, you should choose a smaller bouquet. If your dress is more extravagant with more layers, your bouquet should be bigger. The bouquet is always in proportion to the dress.