Top flowers to send in autumn

As we say goodbye to our summer outfits and start donning warmer clothes, our environment prepares for the onset of autumn which brings on cooler conditions. Although some may think that fresh flowers are rare this time of year, that is not the case. There are many flowers that bloom in the spring, in the summer, and until the winter of the year. When planning your garden, you should consider planting some top flowers that bloom in early spring, others that bloom in the summer, and a few to make your garden bright and beautiful throughout the autumn months.


While some flowers may be available year-round from your local florist, you may find that many top flowers will be imported out of season and therefore more expensive. as before. Chrysanthemums, for example, come in many varieties. The varieties called “Hardy Mums” can withstand the cold, which can also lead to higher prices. When purchasing new flower arrangements that include chrysanthemums, you should ask your florist what varieties they have. This will help you decide if they are on time or not. If they aren’t on time but you want a group, that can justify the price – depending on your budget of course.


One of the top flowers you can count on this season is the aster. Its flowers begin in summer and continue to give a spectacular display until the end of the year. Some of the best colours for autumn include yellow, orange, and red. If you have asters growing in your garden, now is a great time to prune some flowers and make them beautiful for your living room, kitchen, or any other part of your home that want to start. Otherwise, you can always order blooms online or visit your nearest florist to get the perfect bouquet.

Halloween décor

If you celebrate Halloween, you’ll know that it takes place in the middle of autumn, which makes decorating with flowers a breeze! You can’t help but think of bright orange pumpkins when you picture Halloween decorations talking about this pumpkin, why not use it as a vase? Just clean it, put a glass or plastic bag inside to catch the water, and add your flowers!

Wedding blooms

Autumn is also a popular time for couples. If you are looking for the top flowers for your autumn wedding, you will be happy to know that there are many options. You can use popular blooms, as mentioned above, but don’t forget options like dahlias and kniphofia. Dahlias are large, bold beauties that come in many colours, including bright reds and yellows. Kniphofia is also called “Red Gamblers” and its name is well given by its bright red colour and the shape of a poker. Although some are in one colour, others include two or three colours in one bloom. The darkest colour is always at the top of the flower and the lightest colour at the bottom, near the stem.

Some other beautiful options include helenium and helianthus. Helenium plants produce small yellow, orange and red blooms. Helianthus is similar in shape to a daisy and is a real joy in any garden or bouquet. While it’s easy to focus on choosing the top flowers, don’t forget the importance of greenery. Add olive greens and maybe even some dried plants and herbs to complete the perfect autumn bouquet.