TOP 10 Best summer flowers

We are well into summer now, and flowers are far into blooming right now, but it’s not too late to make some new additions to your flower collection in your garden or home, so here’s our list of the top 10 summer flowers that are easy to grow, fast blooming and beautiful.


Sit back, relax and enjoy our list of what we think makes summer just that, with our top ten summer flowers guide:

10 – Daisy:

Probably the most common flower in the United Kingdom, Daisies are a perfect compliment to your summer flower collection, adding a touch of bright yellow and white , short flowers which can make the grass surrounding other flowers look like a sea of beauty


9 – Jasmine:

Jasmine is loved all over the world, thanks to their bright , generally white petals, and distinctive sweet fragrance.

8 – Lavender:

Lavender is cultivated in gardens and homes all over the world, and are great for adding some bright vibrant purple dense flowers to your garden, coupled with their subtle sweet scent make this flower an excellent addition to your garden.

7 – Lilac:

Lilacs are generally regarded as a delicacy in the flower world, and are highly valued for their signature scent, as well as being coloured an off-white purple, makes them a great partner to be grown along side flowers like lavender.

6- Orchids:

Orchids are instantly recognisable thanks to their unique shape, and their tendency to grow tall makes them a great attraction in the garden, they also come in a range of colours, so you can add a personal touch to your garden

5- Pansy

Pansies boast a sweet scent and bright purple-coloured flowers, they are also incredibly easy to grow and require little maintenance, they often grow wild in the garden on their own accord.

4-Pink Primrose:

This jaw dropping, beautiful flower is held in high esteem because of its bright pink coloured petals, which form a flower in the shape of a seashell, they also start to release a sweet scent when late into flowering.

3- Sunflowers:

Sunflowers are a must for any real summer flower enthusiast, dominating the garden with very tall stems, coupled with large, circular flowers, which look over the garden and provide a subtle scent.

2- Sweet Pea

Sweet pea flowers are loved by gardeners around the world, because of its luscious scent, and wide variety of colours they can be, including ;Yellow, white, red, pink, purple, and lavender.

1.- Rose of sharon

Here’s what I think is the perfect summer flower to have in your garden or home – Rose of Sharon, bearing large,  beautiful,  bright pink petals, and lush broad leaves make the Rose of Sharon the definitive summer flower, which a scent strong enough to smell from a distance, but not too strong that it over powers the scent of other flowers, it really is the definition of summer flower.

Summer flowers are now available for UK next day and same day delivery from Prestige Flowers. Order today and receive a FREE box of Belgian chocolates at


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