Tips to help you decorate a poinsettia

Poinsettias are adored just the way they are and they are the perfect symbol of Christmas. Of course, many people like to spruce this beautiful plant up even more and you can too by following these tips to decorate a poinsettia! You do not have to do them all, in fact, it is often best to choose just a couple of these for each plant. That way, you still allow the natural beauty of the plant to shine through.

Pot or basket

It is so important for any plant to have a suitable pot. Now, you don’t necessarily want to repot your poinsettia. If you can, choose a poinsettia that is already rooted in a decorative pot. Alternatively, you can buy a basket and hide the pot inside. Add some artificial festive foliage around the top of the basket or similar holiday fillers to conceal the more unsightly pot inside. If you like, add a bow or other decorations to the basket but make sure that you don’t overdo it. When you decorate a poinsettia, the plant should always be the main attraction.


Fairy lights are amazing for so many reasons and you can use them to decorate a poinsettia too! If possible, look for lights that are battery operated. LED lights are also best because they don’t get hot like those old Christmas lights we used to use. If you are placing your plant beneath your Christmas tree, you can always drape the lights from your tree so that they light up your poinsettia too. Alternatively, if you have more than one poinsettia, you can use separate lights to decorate them and hide the wiring to the plug under the tree.


While lights will make them twinkle at night, glitter will add sparkle all day! Silver or gold are the best options when it come to glitter. When you decorate a poinsettia with glitter, make sure that you use glue that is safe for plants. The last thing you want is to damage the plant in the process.

Flower picks

Festive flower picks are a great quick solution when sprucing up your poinsettia. You can even make them yourself if you like! All you need is a strong skewer and a Christmas decoration to stick to the top. You should only use one pick per plant and, if you have more than one poinsettia, you might want to use different decorative methods for each one. For instance, you can add a pick to a couple of them and decorate the rest with glitter. You can even alternate between glitter colours. Lights can be used on all of them and, of course, they should all look great in their pots or baskets.

With these handy tips, you will have the best-looking poinsettias in town! These are also great ideas if you want to decorate a poinsettia and send it as a gift. Presentation really is everything so, when a gift looks great, it will leave the perfect impression on the recipient.