Potted plant choices for every room

The right potted plant really can make all the difference when it comes to the quality of the air and the décor in a particular room. Of course, different areas of the home offer very different conditions so it is important to take this into account when selecting your plants and choosing their new home.


If you are looking for the perfect potted plant for your kitchen, you might want something that will prove useful when cooking. Some examples include basil, parsley, rosemary and other herbs. Not only are they beautiful to look at but, when you need some fresh herbs for a particular dish, you will have them readily available.

Living room

Your living room is where you will spend much of your time with your family and guests. This is one of the main reasons why you want to make sure that it looks its best at all times. A potted plant or two can really help you make your living room more appealing and welcoming to everyone. Larger pots can be placed on the floor in a corner where they will not be in the way. Smaller ones, on the other hand, can be displayed on your coffee table. Remember, you should take note of areas that receive direct sunlight as well as those that don’t receive any direct light at all.

Dining room

Your dining room is another area that you will frequent often and you will usually entertain guests in this area of your home. Since you will serve food in this part of your home, you should choose a potted plant that will not prove toxic if it does come into contact with your dishes somehow. You can also decorate the room by placing plants like philodendron in a corner on the floor.


When choosing a potted plant for your bedroom, it’s important to take some extra care. Many plants produce oxygen in the day but they absorb oxygen at night. Some of the best choices for your bedroom include ruffle ferns, aloe vera and peace lilies.


Since your bathroom is usually smaller and more humid than other areas of your home, you should choose a plant that will not grow too quickly and one that enjoys high levels of humidity. A snake plant is great and orchids thrive in this area too

Remember, when choosing a potted plant for any part of your room, you need to take into account the needs of the plant as well as any risk it could pose to your children or pets. Take a moment to conduct some research online before making your choice.