Potted Muscari plant care tips

Grape Hyacinth, also known as Muscari, has been cultivated for centuries. This plant is extremely easy to grow as a potted plant in your home or even in your garden. If you want to send a plant as a gift to somebody special, you can be sure that this fabulous flowering plant will be a hit! These plants usually bloom during the spring and their flowers are always impressive. If you have a potted Muscari plant, here are some tips to make sure it thrives.

Pot and soil

When you buy a Muscari from a nursery or florist, it should already come in the perfect container along with the right soil. They can be grown in clear containers if you want to monitor root growth but make sure that the container has drainage holes. The soil should be damp but not very wet.


All plants need some amount of sun and Muscaris are no exception. Some plants are quite picky but your Muscari won’t make you work too hard to find the right place. You can place the pot in any spot that receives partial to full sun.

Careful of the cold

If the ground freezes in winter, your Muscari is best kept indoors. You can place it outside in its pot during warmer weather. However, during the winter months, you should place it in a safer spot inside. If you have a large pot outside and you cannot move it indoors, you should wrap it up with bubble wrap or something similar to keep the soil in the pot from getting too cold. When the weather starts to warm up, you can place the pot in a suitable spot in your garden again.

Fresh water

These bulbs are sensitive to root rot so make sure that you don’t water too much or too often. During the warmer months, you can water more frequently but, in winter, you should ease up. Adequate drainage, as mentioned above, is also essential when it comes to keeping the soil moist but not soaked.

Temperature preference

When in bloom, the room should be about 20 degrees Celcius. This is perfect for encouraging blooming and for keeping the plant healthy in general. Keep the plant away from any kind of heater or air conditioner.

Extra tips

You will notice that the leaves will dry out and turn yellow. When you notice the first signs that a particular leaf is dying, you should wait until it has completely dried out before you remove it. You don’t want to remove leaves that are still viable. Take care when disposing of any leaves or any part of the plant. They are known for being toxic so keep this plant away from children and pets.

This plant is remarkably low maintenance which is one of the main reasons for their popularity. They are available in various colours so be sure to choose one that you know the recipient will love.