Poinsettia plant care advice

The holidays are just around the corner and the time has come to start planning your holiday decor. One of the most popular decorative accessories for the home is the Christmas star. These unique plants are known and loved for their striking red appearance, but they are also available in white if you prefer. Before you go and buy your plant, here are some essential poinsettia plant care tips to keep in mind.


Lighting needs

Every plant needs light, and your poinsettia plant is no exception. Remember, these plants come from Central America. They therefore require a good amount of sunlight. For this reason, you should place your plant in a well-lit window so that it can enjoy as much morning sun as possible with afternoon shade. While this is not the only point to consider when it comes to poinsettia care, it is one of the most important. You should also make sure that the plant does not come into contact with the window. The cold temperature of the glass can have a negative effect on the plant.


Irrigation needs

Like light, an important part of poinsettia plant care is proper watering. Check the soil before watering and water only when it is dry. Let excess water drain away and don’t let your plant sit in a tray full of water. Too much water will cause root rot.


The right environment

You should also make sure temperatures are between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit to help your plant thrive. Keep them safe from drastic temperature changes or the plant may wilt and die. A warm room with regular misting is ideal for recreating the natural tropical environment in which they grow.


Will they flower again?

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are about poinsettia plant care, your plant simply won’t survive past the holiday season. It is possible to make your plant re-bloom a year later, but this requires considerable effort. From January to March you should continue watering as usual. In April, reduce the amount of water and frequency. In the month of May you can transplant your plant and trim the stems slightly. Place the plant in a well-lit window. In June, place the plant outdoors in a partially shaded area. Water and fertilize as above. Pinch each stem back about an inch in July and August. When temperatures drop, move the plant indoors and continue watering and fertilizing. In October you should keep your plant in complete darkness from 5pm to midnight. M. until 8:00 M. every day. During the day, place the plant in a sunny window. Continue this process in November. By the end of the month you should see some flower buds forming. Now you can leave the plant on the window because it will flower. Stop fertilizing in December and enjoy your plant!


Although basic poinsettia plant care is relatively simple, keeping the plant alive year-round is no easy task. These plants are relatively cheap and easy to obtain. That’s why they are replaced so often instead of taking the time to help them flourish year after year.