Mini flower bouquet arranging

Not all flower arrangements need to fill a tall vase. A mini flower bouquet can be highly effective when it comes to filling a small space and adding colour to an otherwise dull corner. Even if you have no experience arranging flowers, you can create your very own mini arrangement by following these steps.

Mini flower bouquet supplies:

  • A few small flower (herbs and baby’s breath work well)
  • Some fine foliage (small leaves)
  • Colourful tissue paper
  • Clear tape
  • Cellophane
  • String
  • Colourful ribbon


  • First, you will need to prepare your flowers by arranging them just as you would a full-sized bouquet. Start with your focal flowers in the middle and add some foliage around them. Tie the stems together using string.
  • Now trim the stems so that they are all the same length.
  • Cut 2 small squares of tissue paper along with 2 small squares of cellophane.
  • Pair each piece of tissue paper with a piece of cellophane and wrap them around the stems.
  • When wrapping the mini flower bouquet in paper and cellophane, you should allow these materials to overlap but not completely cover one another.
  • Secure each pair of squares with some clear tape to hold them in place.
  • Wrap the stems with decorative ribbon to conceal the tape and to give your bouquet that perfect final touch.
  • Place your bouquet in some fresh water until you are ready to present it to somebody special or put it on display on your desk or other small space.

If you want to make your mini flower bouquet and even more endearing gift, you can attach it to the paw of a cuddly teddy bear before presenting it to the recipient. This will give them something colourful to enjoy right away and something to treasure for years to come.