Great ways of using lavender
Lavender is not always the kind of flower you will find at you local florist but it has been known to make an appearance in many spring flower arrangements thanks to its rich colour and perfume. It is a popular garden plant and the flowers have plenty of handy uses around the home. This plant is so easy to grow that you will have more than enough flowers to share with neighbours and friends!
Lavender is a scent that is well-known around the world. It is associated with relaxation since it soothes the senses and helps us calm down. If you crush a few of these flowers between your fingers and smell the perfume, it will instantly help you relax. Breathing slowly along with the soothing properties of this scent work well to get rid of anxiety. You can also enjoy the benefits of this scent by adding a few flowers to your bath. Lavender oil can also be used in your bath if you don’t have any fresh flowers on hand.
For those with trouble sleeping or anxiety, you can add a tablespoon of lavender to six cups of boiling water to make a delightful tea. Let the flowers steep for about 10 minutes before straining and enjoying before bed time. You can also apply a fe drops of lavender oil to your pillow or place a few flowers inside some cheesecloth and slip it inside the pillowcase. This soothing smell will help you get more rest.
The lovely smell of this flower also makes it a powerful insect repellent. Keep moths away from your clothing by storing fresh lavender in your closets. There are various chemical varieties on the market but, if you grow your own bush, you can save money and enjoy the benefits of a natural product.
Lavender can even be used on your hair to treat dandruff! There are a number of anti-dandruff shampoo products on the market but they contain all sorts of chemicals. Instead, simply make some lavender tea and, once it has cooled down, pour the tea over your scalp before massaging gently and then rinsing it all off. You will also notice that your hair will smell better than ever!
Lavender can also be used to keep your breath fresh. Depending on how severe your problem is, you can chew on a few fresh flowers periodically to keep your problem under control. This is a better, more natural alternative to breath mints and gum.
With so many wonderful uses for lavender, it’s easy to see why so many people have at least one of these bushes in their garden. Apart from its many uses, this bush will also give your garden colour and you can pick the flowers to decorate your home too!