Indoor plant care advice

If you want to add greenery to your home and enjoy cleaner air, you need the right potted plants. Of course, before you rush out and buy the first plants you want, it’s a good idea to keep these indoor plant care tips in mind. By following good advice, you will ensure that your plants look good and thrive for years to come.


Choose the right spot

The first thing to do is choose the perfect place for each indoor plant. Some plants like light more than others, and some enjoy extra humidity. Select the plant based on the conditions it can offer on a regular basis. If necessary, can you move your plant from room to room as the seasons change. If not, you need to make sure your plant is happy under different conditions.


The temperature of your home is one of the most important factors in choosing an indoor plant. You may notice that some rooms are cooler or hotter than others. If you can, use a thermometer to measure the temperatures in each room so you know what kind of conditions you can offer. Once you’ve mapped your home in terms of temperature variations, you can look for plants that are happy with those temperatures. Remember to avoid placing your plant near any sources of heat or air conditioning. You don’t want it to be in contact with extreme conditions.

Natural light

As mentioned above, different plants have different light requirements. If your indoor plant gets too much direct light, it can scorch the leaves. On the other hand, if it doesn’t get enough light, it may wither or fail to thrive. Make sure you understand the light requirements of the plant you want to purchase before buying.

In addition to these essential tips, you should also purchase an indoor plant from a reputable florist or grower. There are many plants out there that, no matter how hard they try, never seem to make it. This is largely due to the way they are grown to begin with. Quality plants may cost a little more, but they will be worth it in time.