Houseplant care – how often to turn them

If you have potted plants in your home, you most likely already know that they require regular watering, sunlight and they may need to be repotted from time to time. What some people don’t realize is that an important part of houseplant care includes turning the pot regularly. Here’s what you need to know.

Look out for changes

If your plant looks healthy but it is somewhat lopsided in terms on growth, it could be due to the fact that they have not been rotated. This is a natural occurrence since plants will thrive where there is enough light. The part of the plant that is kept in the shadows will not develop as much. Hence the strange appearance. Which is why rotating is such a vital part of houseplant care.

Turn when watering

Every time you water your plant, you should turn it just a little, approximately one quarter. If your plant does not need water, you should still turn the pot a little to ensure that it receives an even amount of sunlight all around.

Artificial lighting

If you are growing your plant in a room with little to no light, you want to make sure that there is an artificial light source nearby. By placing a light directly above the plant, it will encourage upward growth. If your plant receives some light from a nearby window, you can place a light on the opposite side of the plant to ensure that all areas of the plant receive light. Proper houseplant care requires the use of the right types of lighting as well. So, make sure that you do your research first.

What if you don’t rotate them?

If you fail to rotate your houseplant regularly, you will notice that one side will look lush and full while the other side will have thinner leaves and it may even start to lean to one direction. There will also be fewer leaves on the side that does not receive enough sunlight.

Different plants

The frequency and amount of rotation required will vary depending on the type of plant. When researching houseplant care for each plant in your home, you should take the time to find out how much and how quickly they grow. A ficus, for example, will grow quickly. As a result, you should rotate this plant 180 degrees every two months to keep it looking great. Philodendron, on the other hand, should be rotated 90 degrees every month. These plants don’t like too much light so you can keep most of the plant in the shade with just a small part exposed to sunlight.

By following proper houseplant care guidelines, you will ensure that all of your plants thrive. Not all plants produce blooms but it is important to help them grow so that they can produce lush leaves. Not only do plants look lovely in our homes, but they also help purify the air. Each plant has its own benefits so be sure to collect a variety and set them in various areas of your home.