Geranium flower facts you might not know

If you have ever shopped around for a fresh flower bouquet for any occasion, you might have come across a geranium bouquet or two. These popular cut blooms can be enjoyed all on their own or included in mixed bouquets. They are large and their colours are bright. Here are some more geranium flower facts you may not have heard of until now.

South African origins

The geranium flower is native to South Africa. Here, the climate is perfect for their survival. There are over 400 species of this plant genus and some can grow as tall as 4 feet. Some varieties, however, do not exceed 6 inches in height. There are several colours from which to choose and their scents can vary depending on the type. While some have a peppermint scent, there are others that smell like roses.

Easy to cultivate

The geranium flower is very easy to cultivate in your garden. They can also be grown as potted plants. As potted plants, the soil should be kept fairly dry and you should avoid watering too often. Overdoing it with your watering habits will cause the roots to rot. You can check the soil with your finger just before watering to make sure that the soil is dry enough. These plants should also be deadheaded to encourage the plant to produce more blooms.

Alternative name

Another name for the geranium flower is crane’s bill. This refers to the seed capsule rather than the flower itself. This seed capsule has the shape of a crane’s bill before it bursts open and the seeds are dispersed. The essential oil made from these flowers is used as a tonic, deodorant and a diuretic.


As briefly mentioned above, different varieties have different scents. Some smell like citronella which is great if you want to keep mosquitoes at bay. It’s also great that they will add beauty and colour to your home or garden while keeping mosquitoes away.

Make use of the leaves

Not only are the blooms beautiful, but the leaves of the geranium flower plant can be used to make a lovely rose-scented tea. It is safe for consumption and it’s worth noting that this plant is safe for pets too. So, there is no need for alarm if you see your pet nibbling on the leaves.

So, the next time you see a geranium flower arrangement or plant, you can really make the most of its beauty as well as other benefits the plant may offer. These flowers make an excellent gift and they can be paired with other blooms if you like.