Fun flowers to wear at parties

When you order flowers for a party, you most likely imagine decorating your guests’ tables, the buffet table and even freestanding arrangements to add even more colour to the event. Don’t forget to order a few extra flowers from your florist so that you can include them in your outfit. Depending on the type of event, you can either present each guest with a flower that they can wear or you can reserve flowers for the guests of honour.

Both fresh and artificial flowers can be added to your wardrobe both in a minimalist approach as well as more daring designs. Choosing the right flowers will depend on how you plan on using them and how long you need them to last without water. Some flowers need water or they perish really quickly. Others can last far longer than many people think and you can get through a full day without them failing you.

Your hair and hat are areas that can use some perking up in terms of colour. Consider addin flowers to your hair or pin them to your hat. Again, you can choose to use a single large flower or several smaller flowers. You can even use a combination of flowers to achieve the desired effect.

Corsages and buttonholes are also great for any event. They can be small and elegant or more elaborate. The colour you choose will depend on the theme and colour scheme of the event. For example, exotic flowers are perfect for an exotic or tropical themed event. On that note, you could hand out Hawaiian leis to your guest if you are hosting a Hawaiian party.

One thing you can always be sure of is that wearing flowers is always great fun and your guests will have something to take home with them to remember all the great fun.