Only the Freshest flowers at Prestige Flowers!
Here at Prestige Flowers we are proud to show the world that we use only the freshest cut flowers available on the market. Our beautiful flowers come in fresh everyday from Holland.
You can see some flowers have been made up into lovely arrangements for the lucky recipient ready to be sent out. The flowers will sit in water and are not put in a box until the very last minute at collection. This way they are kept so very fresh.
More stunning fresh flowers from Prestige Flowers have been arranged by our highly skilled florists.
The luscious Rose Galore bouquet has been made up using only the finest Dutch roses. This way we are guaranteed the longevity of the roses.
Our sunny sunflowers bundled up with Dutch roses and shamrock blooms, a real treat!
Last stop, all ready to go out to be delivered in the box. All the flowers are kept in Aqau packs to ensure freshness through the transit! Its only this easy at Prestige Flowers.