Flower food and why they need it

When you purchase cut flowers from your local or online florist, you will notice that they are delivered along with a package of flower food. This tiny package might go unnoticed and unused by many. Mostly due to the fact that many people do not know about the benefits it holds.

Root connection

In order to understand the benefits of flower food, it’s important to consider how flowers grow on plants. Flowers are attached to stems which are indirectly connected to the roots of the plant. The roots absorb water and nutrients which are transported up the stems and to the flowers. Without this connection, the flowers have no source of food. Even if you place them in fresh water, there’s not enough nutrients in clean water to make up for those lost once plucked from the plant.

Flower food DIY

While your florist will include a package of flower food with your delivery, this package may not be enough for the entire lifespan of the bouquet. If the water level in the vase runs low or if you need to change the murky water, you will need to add more food to the water. If you don’t have any more packages, you can use household items like bleach, lemon juice, sugar and even aspirin to make your own. These recipes are not perfect but they are better than nothing.

Food essentials

Apart from providing the cut blooms with a source of nutrients, flower food also helps maintain the pH level of the vase water. By doing so, it helps slow the growth of bacteria and this helps extend the life of the bouquet. You may notice some slimy substance on the stems after a few days. This is bacteria taking hold. In this case, you should trim the stems and place them in fresh water with a dose or flower preservative.

Commercial options

DIY recipes aside, you can also buy flower foods. Take a look at the ingredients listed as well as the product description. Many of these additives have something called a ‘stem unplugger’ which, as the name suggests, helps keep the stems open and free of bacteria.

If you are still unsure about the best flower food for you, you should try a little experiment. Pick some flowers or order a bouquet from your florist. Place a stem in water without any preservative, another stem in water with the preservative from the florist and another in water with a DIY preservative. Take note of which flower does the best and lasts the longest.