Flower facts – The Gloriosa Lily

The gloriosa lily really lives up to its name thanks to its gorgeous pink petals. These blooms are large in size and they are a popular choice for occasions like weddings. If you are considering using these blooms to decorate your home or a special event, here are some interesting flower facts you should be aware of.

Tropical environment

The gloriosa lily thrives in a tropical environment and it is native to certain parts of Africa including Zimbabwe. When compared to other popular blooms, this flower has a relatively short history of being cultivated. Today, it Is grown in various parts of the world including Australia and Holland. When these stems are sold, they include both opened blooms and buds. This ensures that they put on a show for that much longer. As the older blooms perish, the buds open and give the bouquet new life. When caring for these blooms, one of the most important flower facts to keep in mind is their natural habitat and the conditions they need to thrive.

Cut flower care

Since these blooms are of the tropical variety, it is important to ensure that you place your vase of cut gloriosa lilies in a place where they will not get too warm or cold. They will need plenty of fresh water. So, you should be sure to keep an eye on the water level in the vase to make sure it doesn’t get too low. In addition, you should clean the vase every two days or so and provide fresh water. Remember, as mentioned in one of the main flower facts above, these blooms are tropical in nature which means that they need to be protected in particular from the cold. For this reason, you should never place them in the refrigerator as this can shorten their vase life.


If you live in a suitable area, you could grow gloriosa lilies in your garden. When cultivating this plant, it is important to remember that they grow from tubers. This is the most important of all flower facts for growers because it means that you will need to ensure that the tuber is properly planted and that the soil is sufficiently moist to encourage growth. You will also need to increase the humidity around the plant by placing water bowls nearby. As the water evaporates, it will increase the humidity around the plant. Misting your plants in the very early hours of the morning or in the evening is also helpful. When planting them, you need to make sure that you leave at least 6 inches between each tuber in order to allow the roots enough room to grow. You may also need to add fertilizer from time to time.

With these interesting flower facts in mind, not only can you successfully grow gloriosa lilies yourself, but you can also make the most of them once they are cut from the plant and placed in a beautiful vase to spruce up your home.