Easter plant gifts and for your own home

Easter is a time for giving and it is also a great time to give yourself something special after the long winter. The right Easter plant can brighten up any home. If you are not sure what types of plants are best suited for this occasion, here are some ideas you can enjoy in your home or spoil somebody special.

Gerbera daisies

Daisies are often associated with the spring months and they are available in so many amazing colours including pink, yellow, orange and white. Since they originate from South Africa, these plants enjoy a more moderate climate with warmer summers and mild winters. Keep this in mind when choosing a home for such a plant.


These beauties make excellent Easter plant gifts. Their colour will depend on the pH level of the soil and you can find them in pink, blue, purple and white. They enjoy partial shade and they have an impressively long bloom cycle. As the name suggests, they are thirsty plants so make sure that you water frequently but do not allow the pot to rest in water or the roots could rot. They can be enjoyed as potted plants at first. However, they do tend to grow quite large so you might want to find a spot in the garden for them as soon as possible.


If you choose to send tulips, make sure that they are in tight buds because they tend to open quickly once you bring them home. The pot covering needs to be removed right away so that excess water can drain away. Your blooms will usually last for about a week or so. Once the flowers fade, you can plant the bulbs in your garden when there is no longer a risk for frost. This way, you will encourage them to grow and bloom again next year.

Easter cactus

This Easter plant will always impress any recipient. It is quite similar to the Christmas cactus in terms of its appearance. This plant, however, blooms during the Easter season – hence the name. It produces gorgeous starry flowers and this plant is known for living a very long life. Since it is native to rain forests, make sure that it enjoys bright indirect light and keep the soil moist but not too soggy.


Another exotic beauty is the orchid. Many people think that these plants are difficult to grow but this is not entirely true. It really depends on the type of orchid you buy. Before sending an orchid as an Easter plant gift, make sure that you choose one that is easy to care for. They usually prefer plenty of indirect light, moderate temperatures, high humidity and they will need to be repotted as they grow.

Easter lily

Yet another perfect gift when shopping for an Easter plant, this lily has large white blooms and they are loved for their sweet perfume. If you want to avoid any pollen stains, make sure that you remove the anthers as soon as each flower opens up. This can also help extend the life of the flowers.


These are late bloomers and they may not have a very long bloom cycle. However, they more than make up for this with their amazing scent. Just one of these flowers will fill the room with a sweet perfume that is unlike any other. Once yours has reached the end of its bloom cycle, do not discard the bulb since they are extremely hardy and are known for growing and blooming year after year without too much effort.


Yet another superb choice when shopping for the perfect Easter plant. The daffodil has a unique shape and its bright yellow colour make it one of the best choices for this time of year. They love indirect light and they will bloom for up to two weeks indoors.

There you have it! Plenty of amazing gift options for this spring season. Remember, before you buy an Easter plant, make sure that you are buying it from a reputable vendor. If you are placing your order online, the florist should offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can be sure you are buying a quality plant.