Cyclamen plant care tips and advice
Your cyclamen plant will thrive outdoors during the warmer months. However, when temperatures drop, it’s important to bring this plant indoors. It won’t do well in colder climates, so you need to reserve the right place within the house for these cold months. When displaying your cyclamen indoors, keep these tips in mind.
Replace the planter
When you receive your cyclamen plant, you will notice that it usually arrives in a plastic pot. You can beautify your plant by placing it in a decorative pot. This will ensure that your plant looks as beautiful as possible in the room.
Protect the roots
The roots of your cyclamen plant, like other plants, can be quite sensitive. If disturbed, it can cause plant death. If you need to re-pot your cyclamen, you’ll need to add more potting soil. To keep the roots happy, be sure to use a loam-based compost combined with peat moss and sand. You can use soil-less compost, but this makes watering more difficult as it doesn’t hold moisture as well.
Your cyclamen plant will do well in temperatures around 13 degrees Celsius. They thrive if they get a reasonable amount of light, but not too much direct sunlight. You shouldn’t let them get too hot either. In nature this plant only exposes leaves and flowers to light, while the rest of the plant is hidden under rocks and earth. If the plant gets too hot, it will force the cyclamen into premature dormancy. If you keep the plant at the right temperature, it will flower again in mid-May.
Your cyclamen plant, like any other plant, needs water on a regular basis. However, this doesn’t mean you have to water it too often or too much. If you put the plant in a tub with about a half inch of water overnight once a week, that will do the trick. This allows the compost to re-hydrate and provide your plant with the water and nutrients it needs.
Remove dying leaves
Remove dead or dying leaves from your cyclamen plant as soon as you notice them. You can usually do this by simply pulling on the stem. Finally, don’t forget to inspect your plant regularly to make sure it’s doing well. If you notice brown leaves or any other sign that the plant isn’t thriving, this will give you more time to remedy the situation.
With these basic tips, you can enjoy your cyclamen plant for many years to come and you will watch it bloom time and time again. Remember, like other houseplants, regular monitoring of the plant’s health will give you a good indication of any problems before they reach the point of no return.