Common blooms to brighten your garden and home

When looking for the best flowers for your home or garden, there are a number of factors to consider. Not only should you know which blooms are suited for vase life, but also the conditions plants need to grow if you want to cultivate your own blooms. Here are some of the most common blooms you will find in florists and gardens alike.


These beautiful flowers are sure to brighten up your garden and they are excellent filler flowers for fresh cut bouquets too. They get their name from the Latin word for ‘star’ due to their appearance and they are available in a wide variety of colours. In addition, they have a long blooming season so you can enjoy them that much more.


One of the reasons why so many people love these common blooms is because they are so easy to care for. They require very little attention once rooted in your garden and you can even bring them indoors if you want to add some bright colours to your fresh bouquet.


If you are looking for common blooms that will thrive as indoor plants, look no further than begonias! They are a top choice in many homes around the world because they are so beautiful and easy to tend to.


Carnations are one of the most popular flowers you will find at your local florist. This is because they last so long as cut flowers and they are known for being particularly affordable. Available in various colours, you can choose between potted varieties and larger flowering plants. Make sure that you pick these flowers early in the morning and that they are in partial bud form so that you can enjoy them for that much longer.


Like carnations, chrysanthemums are another example of common blooms you will find at florists around the world. Available in various colours and sizes, you can be sure that they will make excellent mass and filler flowers when paired with larger blooms.


This perennial plant is loved for its glossy leaves and stunning blooms. It is important to note tat there are a number of insects and animals that enjoy nibbling on this plant, so make sure that you keep an eye on your cyclamen for any signs of damage.


When it comes to popular common blooms, there is nothing more playful than the daisy. With a bright centre and plenty of petals, these flowers add colour and texture to any flower arrangement. They can be grown in your garden and you can pick them for your bouquets. They are easy to grow so you don’t need to make much of an effort to reap the rewards.


These stunning flowers are also known as larkspur. They are toxic to humans and animals so make sure that you plant them in a safe area. If you cut them to use in a bouquet, the arrangement should be placed in an area that is out of reach.


When it comes to common blooms, there is something unmistakable about the rich scent of the hyacinth. Available in various colours, these plants grow from bulbs. They grow, bloom and then become dormant. Provided you care for the bulbs during the dormant phase, you can help them grow again when the weather warms up.


These ornate flowers get their name from the Greek word for ‘rainbow’ and there are over 250 species from which to choose. The plant ranges in height and they are available in a wide selection of colours.


If you are looking for a flowering plant that will prove easy to grow while filling the air with a stunning scent, lavender is your best bet. You can display these common blooms as fresh flowers or you can create stunning dried bouquets.


Of all the flowers you will find at your local florist, lilies are by far the most exotic. They are often larger than most other common blooms. This is why they are used as focal flowers in many arrangements. They are also available in various bright colours so they can give your bouquet a truly tropical look.


The orchid is known for being the longest lasting of all cut flowers. They are far from ordinary in appearance and they are most popular as potted plants. They can be added for flower arrangements but, if you want something that lasts longer than a few weeks, a plant will be the way to go.


The rose is arguably the number one choice in common blooms. They are available in various colours and sizes. They can be enjoyed as potted plants in the home, as cut flowers or you can create your very own rose garden. They bloom in a wide variety of colours and white roses can also be dyed in order to achieve colours that may not be available in nature.


Tall and impressive, these blooms make excellent focal blooms in an arrangement. They are also excellent if you would like to give your bouquet some much-needed height. Available in various colours, you can choose a single colour or multiple shades.


When you need blooms that are bright and bold, sunflowers are a must! While these are fairly common blooms and they are found in many flower shops, they are by no means ordinary in appearance. Their size alone makes them a true pleasure to behold. Make sure that you display them in a tall vase so that the arrangement is not top-heavy.


Tulips are one of the most popular of all common blooms. There was a stage when they were quite the commodity. Available in various colours, these blooms can be somewhat delicate. If need be, you can always support the large blooms by reinforcing the stems.

These are just a few beautiful common blooms that you can use to decorate your home and brighten your garden. Remember to always choose a spot in your garden that will offer each plant the amount of light it needs and proper nutrition in terms of the nutrients in the soil.