Chelsea Garden show to feature Dramatic 84 foot high Garden Arrangement

With inspirations from the 2010 Avatar movie, this has to be one of Chelsea’s most dramatic displays. At 84 foot, that’s almost 7 storeys high, this display boasts skyscraper characteristics.  Celebrity Gardner  Diarmuid Gavin said that it was also inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The first storey is to be composed from ivy and ferns. The second comprises Japanese bamboo, this is very strong which will be needed to support much of the weight .The third layer represents an American red-neck theme with a 1980’s bullet caravan. The fourth takes a Victoria theme, a greenhouse equipped with a kitchen and dining area.

The fifth layer brings together the environmental issue in. Fitted with fully functional solar powers, ther is a bath with running hot water sheltered by a Chinese windmill palm. There is also a cool slide that can have you exit this maze in just over 15 seconds. The 6th layer, is the paradise, the place to relax brightly coloured hammocks for you to rest.

Finally the 7th layer will house a rusty Fiat 500 at the top with birch trees growing through the roof. Some might say this is a little over the top or some may think wow, a work of art. I don’t know which view I would take but its definitely got us green figures talking. People will travel from all over the world to see what is hoped to be Diarmuid’s master piece! Good luck!

