Autumn corsage design options

When you think of the autumn season, there are several ideas that immediately spring to mind. These include cooling temperatures, the changing colours of the leaves, and delicious menu items like hearty soups, roasted veggies, and let’s not forget pumpkin pie! The autumn months are also associated with naturally occurring colours such as red, orange, yellow, copper, brown, and dark green to name a few. So when arranging flowers for an autumn corsage, it’s important to understand the types of colour schemes you’ll need to create.


Flower types

The same rules apply to all flower arrangements, including autumn corsage and boutonnière designs. Types of flowers to look for include roses, baby mums, miniature carnations, and even some types of orchids. Remember that the most important choice you will have to make is choosing the right colours.


Colour selection

Try pairing a peach-orange rose with russet or cream chrysanthemums in your autumn corsage. Alternatively, you can make an orchid your main focus and keep it very simple by adding a few sprigs of dark green foliage. Just remember that the centre flower in your corsage should match the flowers used in your matching boutonnière.


The right bracelet

Don’t forget to choose the right type of bracelet. Ribbons are great because they allow you to be very creative. Use a sturdy bracelet as a base and decorate it with some autumn-themed ribbons. Some great colours to consider include bronze, brown, cream, and green. Remember that it should not overshadow the bodice itself, but serve to complement the flowers.


Optional accessories

You can also add accessories like mini pineapples and acorns. Connecting them will take a little more skill, but it really helps emphasize the theme. Fresh flowers always look more attractive and elegant, but if you’re worried about wilting or want to order your autumn corsage and boutonnière set ahead of time, then you might enjoy some of the lovely artificial flower options available. It’s really a personal preference and the bodice should complement the dress, of course. A light coloured bodice will look great when worn with a dark dress. Just picture an elegant dark red evening dress and a bouquet of cream orchids. The reverse is also true. If the dress is light, the bodice should be darker to make it stand out.

With these tips and ideas in mind, you will be able to come up with the perfect autumn corsage design for any occasion. Remember, corsages and boutonnières are a long-standing tradition when it comes to formal occasions and it is often considered customary to present your date with some kind of gift. A corsage is something that your date can enjoy for the entire evening and, if they wish to preserve it, they can do so as well.