Summer roses for every occasion

If you are looking for summer roses to celebrate a special occasion, you will be happy to know that you have plenty of options. Roses are known for sending a message of love or affection. This means that you need to keep both the occasion and your relationship with the recipient in mind when making your selection.


Birthdays are happy occasions so you want your summer roses to send a message of joy. Yellow and orange are bright and happy colours that will surely make any recipient smile. Red roses are romantic which means that you should only opt for this colour if you have an intimate relationship with the recipient. Another great idea is to opt for is a bouquet of roses in the recipient’s favourite colour.


As briefly mentioned above, red roses are associated with romance which is why red summer roses are the top choice for this occasion. You can choose a simple yet elegant rose bouquet or you could pair them with other blooms such as lilies or fillers like baby’s breath.

Thank you

When you want to express your gratitude, the best summer roses are those in bright colours. You may even like to opt for a mixed bouquet that will include various colours. This way, you can be certain that you will not risk sending the wrong message.


Depending on the occasion, you might like to choose a specific colour or a mixed arrangement of summer roses. Pink roses, for instance, are excellent for welcoming a new baby girl. Roses might not be available in blue but your florist can dye them to create a superb bouquet for a baby boy. Yellow roses represent friendship and they can be sent to any lucky recipient for any occasion.


If you know somebody who has recently lost a loved one, you can express your sympathy with a bouquet of white summer roses. Paired with foliage and perhaps some other white blooms, this bouquet symbolises purity and will provide the recipient with much-needed comfort.

As you can see, summer roses really to suit every occasion and every recipient. Even if the recipient suffers from pollen allergies, roses have heavy pollen which means that they will most likely not experience allergy symptoms. Of course, if you want to be extra cautious, you could always opt for a silk bouquet if you prefer.