Summer bouquet arranging tips

Summer is the perfect season to decorate your home with flowers. With days this long and hot, it’s always fun to learn a new craft that doesn’t overheat or annoy you. Arranging your summer bouquet can be therapeutic, and you won’t sweat it! When you’re done, you’ll be left with a beautiful piece of art that you’ll just have to show off to your neighbours and friends! It’s so simple to do yourself. All you have to do is take a quick trip to your local florist, select what you need, and head home to work. If you’re not in the mood to run around in the heat, ask your florist to send you flowers home. Here’s how you can create your own summer bouquet in just a few simple steps:

What you need:

– Summer blooms of your choice

– Foliage to suit your summer bouquet(optional)

– Suitable vase or container according to your flowers

– A sharp pair of scissors

– Flower food

– A bucket of lukewarm water


  • The first step to making your own summer bouquet is to select the type of flowers you want to use. Summer arrangements should be fun and colourful, so choose the brightest flowers you can find!

  • You’ll need to select flowers that will act as focal flowers, as well as others that will make up mass flowers and maybe some fillers for those little gaps. A good option would be Bird of Paradise flowers as focal flowers with some bright, topped orange and red gerberas with some yellow and/or red mokara orchids (or something similar).

  • Now, when using flowers like Birds of Paradise, you’ll need a rather tall vase. one that will be in proportion to the long flower stalks. The safest bet is a clear glass vase.

  • Store all flower stems and foliage (if applicable) in a bucket of cool, room-temperature water.

  • Prepare your vase with a little fresh water and dissolve the flower food in the water.

  • Take your Birds of Paradise stems and carefully cut the bottom of the stems at an angle.

  • Make sure you keep the stems as long as possible. You can keep them taller than the rest of the blooms so that they stand out even more.

  • Place your Birds of Paradise flowers in the center of the vase.

  • Now you can cut the stems of the gerberas. They don’t need to be the same length. In fact, some should be short enough to peek over the edge of the vase while others are placed just below the Birds of Paradise flowers. Fill the vase alternating stem lengths. Finish the bouquet with some orchids. Place them wherever you see fit.

  • Stem lengths may vary but should not be higher than focal flowers.

  • You can add more foliage if you like, but it’s not always necessary. if you add a little green, do this sparingly and be sure not to cover any of the flowers.

  • Make sure you maintain your cut flowers by changing the water, adding flower preserves, fresh water and pruning the stems occasionally.

  • Place your bouquet on display away from direct sunlight and wind.

As you can see, with just a few basic supplies and some beautiful blooms, you too can create a truly exquisite summer bouquet for your own home or to preset as a gift to somebody special. Remember to order flowers in partial bud form so that they will last as long as possible.