Red flowers your loved ones will adore

When you want to spoil somebody special and let them know that you love them, you should consider sending red flowers. Fortunately, nature provides us with a wide selection of red blooms. No matter the recipient’s preferences or your budget, you are sure to find the perfect bouquet at your florist.


Also referred to as Mums, these blooms are available in several colours, including red. They are a popular flower during the autumn season but your are bound to find them throughout the year. They are long-lasting and affordable too.


These are probably the most popular of all red flowers. They are the top choice for romantic occasions like anniversaries and Valentine’s Day. There are more than 2,000 varieties of roses and many of them are hybrids. While they usually bloom during the warmer months of the year, your florist will either import them or have them specially cultivated when not in season.


The gorgeous trumpet-shape of these blooms make them highly attractive. They have large flower heads which make them excellent as focal flowers in a bouquet. They have tall stems and they are available in various shades of red and white.


There are plenty of types of lilies available and many of them are available in red. They are larger blooms and they are also loved for their sweet smell. Adding lilies to a bouquet will certainly make the arrangement that much more romantic.


Each of these red flowers has 6 petals and they have flecks or streaks which make it look that much more appealing. The variation of lighter and darker spots give these blooms amazing dimension.

Gerbera daisies

Available in various colours, they are popular red flowers for mixed romantic bouquets. They can be paired with other blooms like roses and carnations to create a dynamic bouquet.


Red tulips can be displayed on their own or they can be paired with other red flowers to create a superb display. These blooms are known for being a bit heavier, but they can be reinforced with floral wire and tape.

These are a few of your top choices in red flowers. No matter which one or ones you choose, make sure that you take the time to include a personal message in the card your florist provides. To make your floral gift even more romantic, you can include some luxury chocolates too.