Quality flowers – how to choose the right ones

When you order blooms from your local or online florist, the one main concern is just how long they are going to last. How can you be sure that you really are getting quality flowers and value for money? Well, there are a few things you can look for. Here are some tips.

Search online

No matter the occasion, you should always take a moment to run a search online. Take the time to find out about seasonal blooms since these are some of the best quality flowers you will find. When in season, they can be sourced locally and they are far better adjusted to the current weather conditions.

Shop locally

You can also take a look around your local farmer’s market. Talk with the locals and find out more about locally cultivated blooms as well as what to look for when shopping for quality flowers. You will be surprised how much information they will have to share with you.

Compare prices

Quality flowers will usually have a slightly higher price tag. That said, there are some amazing florists out there who make their bouquets affordable yet beautiful and long-lasting. In other words, they offer you true value for money. Compare the prices of different florists but keep in mind that the most expensive options are not always the very best.

Stick to your budget

Whether shopping online or visiting your local flower shop, you should always have a budget in mind before you begin. If you know how much you can afford to spend, you will be able to shop accordingly. When going into a shop, make sure that you provide the florist with a budget slightly lower than your actual spending limit. They are bound to try to convince you to overspend, which is why it’s good to low-ball them.

Flowers that last

Finally, don’t forget that some flowers are simply better than others when it comes to how long they last in a vase. Carnations, for example will outlast most other types of cut stems and they are not even expensive! Roses are elegant and known to last while lilies have an impressive appearance but tend to fade a bit faster. Make sure that your florist provides you with flowers that are in the process of opening so that you can get the most out of them.

Don’t forget, you should always look into the reputation of the florist that you choose and make sure that they offer some kind of satisfaction guarantee. In other words, they should be prepared to back their quality flowers with a guarantee of freshness.