Protect plants and flowers from animals
It’s easy enough to protect plants inside your home and perfectly arranged florist flowers from being desecrated by animals. However, when it comes to your garden, you may have already experienced the destructive nature of your own pets and some wild critters. Not only is this frustrating but it can prove expensive in terms of garden maintenance.
Avoid harming animals
At the same time, you don’t want to cause any harm to creatures just to protect plants and flowers in your garden. After all, they’re just following their instincts and it’s not entirely their fault. Therefore, whichever method you choose, it must be natural so as not to upset the delicate balance of nature. By doing so, you’ll avoid harming the animals that live in your garden while enjoying the kind of flowers and foliage that would make any nursery or florist proud.
Wild animals
If squirrels are giving you trouble, you can keep them away from garlic bulbs. You can protect plants by planting a few cloves of garlic next to your bulb plants and you will protect them from these animals while growing a nutritious herb at the same time! Catmint smells delicious and is also known to repel rats, squirrels and other rodents. Another great way to keep rodents from nibbling at your plants is to sprinkle pepper flakes on the soil. Of course, you’ll need to do this periodically to keep them away permanently. If wild deer are somehow making their way into your garden and eating your flowers and plants, you can keep them away by spraying your garden with liquid pepper spray. Ask your local nursery for the best liquid pepper fix.
Digging pets
If you notice spots where animals have started digging, you can use dog or even your hair to stop them in their tracks. Remember that cat hair is not effective! You will also need to replace your hair every two weeks or after it rains heavily.
Keep cats out
Does your cat use your precious flower beds as a personal litter box? You can use lemon as a natural repellent to protect plants and the beauty of your flowerbeds! Lemon is toxic to cats and they will naturally avoid going near it. Naturally, it will degrade over time and add nutrients to the soil. Remember to regularly put more lemon in your flower beds to keep cats away.
Pet zones
One of the best ways to keep animals away from your plants is to set up areas and feeding devices just for them. Set up these feeding areas in the correct spaces in your garden and they will encourage animals to visit your garden without destroying it. Animals would rather have their food served on a plate than having to bother searching and digging for their next meal. If you have animals like rabbits as pets, you can plant a garden just for them. Provide shelter for them, keep them in a space large enough for them to run around in, and make sure they have areas to dig small holes in the ground. It’s also important to remember that rabbits have a sort of instinctive respect for nature. If you put them in a grassy area, you will notice that they nibble on blades of grass but they never completely destroy the roots of the grass.
Let dogs be dogs
If you have a dog, you might not like it when you mark its territory on your pretty flowers. Dog urine is quite harmless to plants and the added benefit of letting your dog do this is that other animals will naturally stay away. If the smaller animals know that a larger predator “owns” the area, they are unlikely to stay. So, therefore, there really is no reason to protect plants in this respect.
By protecting plants and flowers from animals, you’ll have a garden you’ll enjoy spending time in. When your flowers are in bloom, you can also bring that floral beauty into your home by picking a few and placing them in vases around your house.