Potted Christmas tree benefits you’ll love

One of the main decorative items that we find in homes around this time of year is a lush decorated tree. There are so many options out there that it can be difficult to choose. Many people are opting for a potted Christmas tree for several reasons. Here are some of the main benefits.

Reuse them

A potted Christmas tree will not grow too quickly. This means that you can reuse yours for up to 8 years before you will need to find a permanent outdoor home for the tree. Each year your tree will get bigger and bigger too!

Stay green

One reason why people tend to choose plastic over cut trees is the fact that they don’t dry out. However, plastic trees do their fair share of polluting and cut trees cannot be reused. A potted Christmas tree, however, offers the best of both worlds. It stays green and you can use it for several years. Plus you don’t have to worry about harming the environment.

Fresh smell

A cut tree will fill your home with that “Christmas smell” but it’s not nearly as potent or long-lasting as a tree. Since the plant is still alive and growing, you can expect that rich scent to remain in your home as long as the plant does.

Great for the environment

When your potted Christmas tree becomes too large to bring indoors, you can plant it in your garden. Not only will this benefit the soil in which you plant the tree, but it will also help purify the air. With so much pollution these days, we should all be planting more trees!

These are just a few of the best reasons why a potted Christmas tree is better than any other option. Remember, you can always send them as gifts to friends and loved ones. Just make sure that they have a spot to plant the tree once it outgrows their home.