Pink Breeze – Gorgeous next day flowers

Our Pink Breeze bouquet is one of the best value flower deals around, and it is available for next day UK delivery! Read on to find out why this bouquet is such great value for money:


This excellent bouquet includes Large , vibrant pink Roses, which is nestled comfortably by fresh green shamrocks, making it a truly delightful looking bouquet, which also provides that signature Rose scent.

The Pink Breeze bouquet is ideal for that special someone in your life, and will surely love the extras included, if the gorgeous flowers weren’t enough to melt their heart:

Also included in the £31.80 price tag, is a free box of Belgian finest chocolates to make it this bouquet just that bit extra special, and if that wasn’t good enough, we’re also including a free elegant  glass flower vase! At this price you can’t go wrong.

And don’t forget, these flowers are available for next day UK delivery, so when you order them , they will arrive the next day in their prime, and super fresh , allowing your recipient to enjoy their flowers for even longer!

Feel free to check out this fabulous Pink Breeze bouquet, which includes a free box of chocolates, and a free glass vase, at
