Paradise Flowers only available at Prestige Flowers

Our Paradise bouquet is made up of a mix of different, vibrant flowers which combine to create a floral extravaganza, which is available to be sent to you recipient tomorrow!


Made up of white and pink Roses, Pink lilies in full blossom, and bold Gerberas make up this awesome floral display, and is nestled in a green foliage for decoration. This bouquet suits many different emotions and meanings, making it a perfect choice as an any-occasion bouquet, which is available in standard, medium, or large sizes.  Additionally, the recipient will also receive a box of the finest Belgian chocolates , to keep their sweet tooth satisfied!

And don’t forget, this gorgeous bouquet is available for next day UK delivery, ensuring that they arrive at there freshest, giving the recipient more time to enjoy this memorable flower mix.

Feel free to check out the Paradise bouquet here :