Mother’s Day florist selection tips and advice
When the time comes to pampering her for Mother’s Day, it’s important to make sure that you choose the right florist. A quality florist can make all the difference and it can also determine just how long she will be able to enjoy those beautiful blooms. Before you rush off to your nearest flower shop to pick up a bouquet that could very well be several days old, use these tips to help you choose the right Mother’s Day florist.
Local or online shopping
If you choose to shop at your local flower shop, this means that you will need to make your way there, see what’s in stock and try to negotiate with the florist. In many cases, the customer leaves with the feeling like they are not getting quite what they bargained for. Whether it’s the price or the bouquet itself, the last thing anyone wants is to leave a florist with that unhappy feeling. This is why so many people choose to shop for flowers online instead. Prices are clearly marked, flowers are listed in the product description and there’s no need to deal with pushy sales people. You can compare various bouquets and, if you need help, you can always rely on their customer service team. Shopping for specific occasions like Mother’s Day is also easy because there is usually a section dedicated to each occasion. Within a few clicks, you’ll find that perfect bouquet!
Price versus budget
While we don’t like to think about budget when it comes to spoiling mum, money is a concern for many. It’s also not worth paying more than you have to or should. Why pay more for the same or similar product when you can get it at a more affordable price? You can browse your local flower shop and make a mental note of their prices. You can then compare these prices and bouquets with the ones you find online. This will help you make the best choice when selecting a Mother’s Day florist.
Delivery options
Sometimes you will enjoy the benefit of free delivery, other times delivery fees can be quite reasonable. If you find that the Mother’s Day florist you wish to use is charging a very high fee for delivery, you should look around for alternatives. Remember, it’s not just about the price of the bouquet or how much delivery will cost – it’s the final charge to your card that matters. So, be on the look out for any additional charges.
Florist reviews
Not all flower shops are as reputable as they should be. Some do not offer a satisfaction guarantee and others have a habit of disappointing customers time and time again. Either way, you can best judge the quality of their service by doing some research online. If you notice that there are an overwhelming number of complaints, look elsewhere for your Mother’s Day florist.
Choosing the right Mother’s Day florist, as you can see, involves several factors and a little bit of time and patience. Of course, if you want to make sure that mum is happy with her bouquet and gift this year, it’s important that quality is your top priority.