Lisianthus flower facts you never knew

When shopping for fresh flowers at your local florist, you will notice that they have dozens of varieties and colours from which you can choose. While you may not find a bouquet made up solely of lisianthus flower stems, you will often find them included in mixed arrangements. Here are some interesting flower facts you may not know about these blooms.


One of the most important lisianthus flower facts is regarding its appearance. These blooms are known for their long stems and small green leaves with multi-layered flowers. Sometimes they are mistaken for roses or peonies.

Alternative names

This flower is also known as eustoma but many people find these two names tough to pronounce. This is why they are referred to as Lizzies. Other names include Texas Bluebells, Prairie Gentians and Blue Field Daisies.

Growing patterns

If you place your lisianthus flower horizontally, gravity causes the flower to curl up to the sky. These flowers are known as geotropic.


You can find this flower in just about any colour imaginable including white, red, purple and green. There are even several bicolour varieties that are even more impressive.


These plants prefer warmer climates or you can grow yours as an indoor plant. They are quite delicate so you should not allow them to be exposed to frost. If you want to move the plant outside for a few months, you should wait until the very end of spring.


The lisianthus flower is also known for its bitter taste and it was used in herbal remedies.

These are just a few lisianthus flower facts that will help you grow these plants and make for excellent conversation when you entertain visitors. If you spot a mixed bouquet including these blooms, you will soon fall in love with them!