House plants for those with children

When you have children, there are a lot of things in your life that will change. It is usually only at this point when we consider all the potential hazards in our home. Children are known for their curious nature and, even something as seemingly harmless as a potted plant can prove dangerous. This is mainly because there are a number of house plants out there that contain toxic properties. So, before you do any plant shopping, here are some of your safest options.

African violets

Not only are these house plants beautiful, but they are also safe to have around children. The leaves are soft and, even if they are consumed, there are no known severe side effects. So, if your child has a tendency to pop just about anything in their mouth, there is no need to panic if they nibble on your African violet. Of course, you may want to step in anyway to prevent excessive damage to the plant.

Aloe Vera

If you are looking for house plants that offer additional benefits, aloe vera is for you. This plant is not only beautiful, but it can also be used to treat various ailments. Insect bites and skin irritations can be soothed by the sap. In addition, the juice and pulp can be consumed to treat digestive issues.

Christmas cactus

Contrary to the name, this plant is not actually a cactus. It does not have sharp spikes that could hurt delicate little hands and it produces amazing blooms each year as well. These house plants will certainly brighten your home and you will not have to worry if you child comes into contact with its leaves or flowers.

Zebra plant

If you are looking for a truly unique plant to add to your home, you should shop around for a zebra plant. It has a superb, exotic appearance which can make it that much more attractive to curious children. Fortunately, these house plants will not pose any risk so you can display them anywhere you feel is best suited to their needs.

Spider plant

Another popular choice when it comes to safe house plants is the spider plant. The leaves are thin, long and plentiful which is why they have such an amusing name. They are also excellent for those who do not have much time to tend to plants since they will not need daily care.

As you can see, there are a number of amazing house plants that you can enjoy throughout your home without worrying about any risk to your children. Remember to take into account the needs of the plant when choosing the right spot for them. In addition, you need to note that some plants grow larger than others and you will need to be able to offer them enough space when they grow larger.