Highly Skilled Florists at work at Prestige Flowers!
Prestige Flowers has since become the UK’s number 1 Florist in the UK. From a profound customer service team to their highly skilled florists at our Studio, together this makes Prestige Flowers the UK’s number 1 Florist for UK Next Day and Same Day delivery. The team at Prestige Flowers make perfection happen through a talented team both in the office and in the flower studio. They work hard every day to make sure that they are the best, countless positive reviews remind them of this why they do what they do.
Below a look at our Prestige Flower Studio, their highly skilled Florists put together the Rose and Lily Bouquets fresh ready for delivery. The lily’s and Dutch roses are freshly cut and then hand tied together with only the finest foliage.
Above, supreme quality lilies arrive ready to be arranged into their bouquet. Lily’s arrive in bud for so that they live for longer. Below a number of flower orders are boxed and ready to go and meet their lucky recipient!
Above, a variety or roses and lily’s’ that have been beautifully arranged await to be packaged before sending off. The flowers rest in fresh water with flower food on a chilled room to keep them extra fresh.