The facts about Lilie

Lilies are all about showing off that is why they make great flowers to place in your home. Colours from reds and yellows to clean white are known to be found in lilies. The bright colours aren’t just there for show they are used to attract insects to allow pollination.

Flowers in this family have linear leaves, mostly with parallel veins but with several having net venation and flower arranged in threes. The flowers in this family generally grow best when placed in sunlight. Most members of this family of flowering plants begin life in underground storage i.e. bulbs and their vegetation dies back at the end of the growing season. Leaves on the lily are usually long and thin and various members of the lily flower grows throughout the world.

Most members of this family are poisonous if eaten and may cause serious complications for household pets especially cats.

The scientific name for the lily flower is the Liliaceae. Its rank is family and common names for the flower are the lily family.

The Lily can be found in a number of locations around the world most notably the United Kingdom, some species in the UK include the Snowdon Lily, Snake’s head fritillary and tulips. Various members of the lily flower can be found in various habitats, these habitats range from lakes and ponds, broadleaf forest to temperate grassland and urban growth.

The lily flower has been living on this earth for millions of years, an estimated 58 million years in fact, the following list are different time periods in which the lily lived:

Crectaceous Period, Palaeocene Epoch, Eocene Epoch, Oligocene Epoch, Miocene Epoch, Pliocene Epoch, Pleistocene Epoch and the Holocene Epoch.
