How to create a fresh summer bouquet

Summer gives us all the opportunity to make the most of all the amazing fresh flowers that are now in season. Just as nature becomes more full of life during the warmer months, so too are we filled with more energy. Now is the time to invite the outdoors inside and try your hand at flower arranging! All you need to do is choose your favourite summer blooms and a few other supplies before you let your creative side shine!

You need:

  • Your choice of summer flowers

  • Foliage to suit your bouquet (optional)

  • A vase to hold your arrangement

  • Sharp cutting tool like scissors

  • Flower food

  • Bucket of room temperature water


  • The first thing you need to do is choose the right flowers for your arrangement. Each season is suited to specific colour schemes. For summer, you want to look for blooms that are bright and striking. Pastels are more for the spring months so, instead, shop around for colours like bright pink, yellow, orange, dark purple, and so on. As your florist about flowers that are in season if you are unsure. If you fancy a tropical theme, you should consider blooms like lilies or even Bird of Paradise flowers. Remember, some flowers that are not in season could still be available but they could be more expensive than usual.

  • If you are looking for a great idea, try using Bird of Paradise flowers as your focal point. You will need three or five stems depending on the size of your bouquet. Surround these blooms with bright red and orange Gerbera Daisies. Finally, add some red and/or yellow Mokara Orchids or something that has a similar appearance.

  • Knowing the type of flowers you plan on using will help you select the perfect vase. Taller blooms need taller vases in order to ensure that the arrangement will not be top heavy.

  • When you bring your flowers and foliage home, you should place these stems in a bucket of room temperature water. This will keep them hydrated while you get the vase ready.

  • Clean the vase thoroughly, add fresh water and some flower food according to the directions on the package.

  • Prepare your flowers by trimming the stems and removing any lower leaves. The flowers that are in the middle of the bouquet need to be slightly taller than the rest. Removing the lower leaves helps keep the vase water fresher for longer.

  • Once your flowers are all in place, you can fill those spaces in between with some lush greenery. Make sure that you choose the right type and colour foliage to suit the flowers you have selected.

  • When our bouquet is ready, put it on display in a cool spot and out of the sun. The water needs to be changed every couple of days and you will need to re-trim the stems every few days too.

  • If you notice any flowers or foliage start to perish, you should remove this stem right away to prevent it from affecting the rest of your summer flower arrangement.