Bouvardia plant and flower facts

If you have a Bouvardia plant in your home, or possibly more than one, you will know just how beautiful these blooms are. They have a gorgeous tube-like appearance and they are available in different colours. These flowers can be enjoyed as plants or their flowers can be added to different kinds of bouquets. Here’s what you need to remember when caring for these plants and cut flowers.

Colour variations

As briefly mentioned above, Bouvardias are available in several colours. You can take your pick from red, pink, white and salmon. Another interesting fact is that the Bouvardia plant is also known as Royal Katty, Albatros and Pink Luck. Louis XIII’s personal physician, Charles Bouvard, was also the superintendent of the Royal Gardens in Paris. This plant was named after him.

Vase life

When you cut these blooms from your Bouvardia plant, they are known for lasting for up to 10 days. Of course, it is important to make sure that you provide them with enough water at all times and replace the vase water every two days.

Correct temperature

Different plants enjoy different temperatures. When it comes to your Bouvardia plant, you need to make sure that they are displayed in a room that does not get colder than 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Since they are native to Mexico, it makes sense that they do not like the cold.

Creating a bouquet

Light-coloured and white Bouvardia blooms can be added to a wide variety of bouquets. The lighter shades make them the suitable companion for flowers of various other colours. Red Bouvardias, on the other hand, can help you add bold splashes of colours to a light-coloured bouquet.

Silk Bouvardias

You don’t necessarily need to have a Bouvardia plant collection in your home or garden in order to enjoy these blooms. There are silk blooms that you can always use instead. The main benefit of silk blooms is the fact that they will never wilt and die. So, you can be sure that they will brighten your home for months or years.

With these great Bouvardia plant facts and cut flower tips, you too can make the most of these blooms. Remember, when bringing these plants into your home, you should make sure that you choose just the right spot for the plant and water regularly but avoid overdoing it.