Black blooms and where to find them

You may have noticed that your local and online florists may sell black flowers. However, it’s important to remember that true black blooms don’t bloom in the wild. In fact, its petals are a dark shade of purple or red. Its colour is close to black, but if you look closely, you will see a hint of another colour. Now, while you might not get your darling mum a bunch of black flowers on Mother’s Day, they can be the perfect gift for a goth aficionado. Some people have even been known to lay black flowers on the grave of a loved one every year as a sign of their ongoing mourning.

Popular in fashion

Black is clearly not the obvious choice when it comes to flowers. We usually think of sending pink flowers, red flowers or even yellow flowers. Flowers normally represent life through their various colours and it is the weird or strange look of black blooms that tends to draw us towards them. They seem to possess some kind of unnatural beauty that draws you in. Art Nouveau designers were also admirers of black flowers and they were used in a large number of fashion designs.

Not truly black

So-called “black” tulips are in fact a very dark shade of purple, while “black” roses are a deep red. Other less common flowers available in “black” include calla lilies and kangaroo paw flowers. The kangaroo’s paw is covered with hairy buds and small flowers. They look fantastic in modern or contemporary bouquets. Calla lilies don’t always come in “black” and are smaller than the white variety, but they can also have a dramatic effect in the right arrangement.

Black roses

Probably the most popular of all black blooms is the rose. Roses are known for that velvety look which gives anyone that luxurious feel. Her physical beauty is perfectly matched by her sweet scent which can easily fill a room. If you’re particularly into roses, ask your florist about ‘Black Magic’, ‘Baccara’, ‘Black Beauty’ and ‘Barkarole’. These varieties are the closest to black you will find. Your florist may also have other berry varieties or small coloured flowers to add colour if desired. Since roses have a hint of red in their “black” petals, they would be best complemented by red berries.

Combining flowers

Hobbyists may find it difficult to combine black blooms with other flowers to create a balanced and attractive bouquet. However, a professional and experienced florist will have plenty of ideas. Whether you choose to use black roses, lilies, or another black flower, you can always group them with black ivy berries. These berries have not fully returned. Instead, they have a kind of dark blue-green hue. An all-black arrangement can be quite sombre, and you might want to consider adding a pop of colour to the mix. Chili pods or St. John’s Wort are popular choices, and you could even coat some of the leaves in silver spray paint and tuck them between the flowers.

Another possible place to display black blooms would be in a professional setting. If your workplace consists of perfectly arranged modern furniture, then a black bouquet might be just the thing to add even more sophistication. However, it may not be the best option for your home. Displaying a black flower arrangement in a room decorated in pastel colours would upset the warm and delicate atmosphere of the room, so be careful when choosing a place to display these flowers.