Alstroemeria flower arrangement care

Whether you are planning on buying an Alstroemeria flower arrangement for yourself or you receive such a bouquet as a gift, you will want to do everything in your power to ensure that these blooms stay fresh for as long as possible. Not only will this ensure greater value for money, but this way you will enjoy the emotional and psychological benefits of fresh blooms for that much longer. The following steps will help you do just that.

You will need:

  • Alstroemeria flower bouquet

  • A clean vase

  • Flower food

  • A sharp pair of scissors or knife

  • A bucket of fresh water


  • As soon as your Alstroemeria flower arrangement arrives, the first thing you should do is place them in some fresh, clean water. You can fill your sink or a bucket and set the stems in the water while you prepare the vase.

  • Your vase should be tall enough to support the stems and wide enough to accommodate all of them. If you only have narrow vases, you can split the bouquet up into smaller arrangements.

  • Take the time to clean your vase thoroughly and make sure you do not leave any soap behind.

  • Next, you need to add water and flower food as per the instructions on the package.

  • Now it’s time to trim each stem and place it in the vase. Trimming the stems under water will prevent air bubbles from entering the stem and this can help prolong the life of the flower.

  • Make sure that you only cut about an inch off the stem and do so at an angle. This helps increase the surface area from which the flower can absorb water and nutrients. It also prevents the stem from resting flat on the bottom of the vase which would restrict absorption.

  • Once all of your flowers are safe in their new home, it’s time to find the perfect spot to display them. You want to be able to show them off in an area where you will receive visitors. You also want to keep them out of direct sunlight and away from any sources of heat or wind.

Remember, just like any other fresh bouquet, your Alstroemeria flower arrangement will need to be tended to daily. Take some time to check the water level and top up as needed. If the water is cloudy, you should clean the vase and replace the water. In addition, if you notice any of the stems begin to wilt, you should remove them from the arrangement or they could cause the rest of the stems to perish prematurely.