Planting your Flowers

Planting flowers is a simple and enjoyable task which you can enjoy with all the family. In this article I will take you through the very simple steps on how to plant a flower and the best way to look after it to help it grow.

  1. First you need to purchase a potted flower. You can purchase a potted flower from any greenhouse or from Prestige Flowers. Before buying the plant you need to vigorously check it doesn’t have any pests and that it looks healthy, the team at Prestige Flowers do this for you prior to purchase. If the plant is wilted and has yellow leaves then it is best to move on to another plant. Check the label on the plant to make sure it will survive in the climate zone where you live. Any plants purchased from Prestige Flowers, we guarantee this.
  2. Now you need to choose the planting area according to the sun/shade requirements of your plant. If you would like to have the flower inside then you can put it by the window or you can use a light bulb. Work the soil to a depth of at least 12-18 inches all around the planting area. You want soil that is crumbly and soft and can be packed tightly around the rootball.
  1. You can add a fertiliser if you want your plant to flower more. Most plants however already have fertiliser crystals in the soil when you purchase them. There are products you may buy to boost root growth at the time of purchase. Read the label carefully so you are sure you are supplying the correct dose. Don’t over fertilise them as this can burn the plant roots.
  2. Dig a hole; make it about twice as big as the diameter of the flowers pot. If the plant you have purchase is rootbound, take a sharp garden knife and slit down the side of the rootball from top to bottom on at least four sides. Place the plant in the centre of the hole. If the roots of the flower are loose then gently spread them around under and around the plant.
  1. Now you need to spread a layer of dirt around the base of the rootball. With the garden hose or a bucket add water to cover the dirt. Then add another layer of dirt to the hole and more water to cover. Repeat until enough soil has been added which will cover the rootball completely. The soil will be soft and muddy. Now let the water drain from the soil, when this has happened press down on the mud with a fist or your foot until the plant is held tightly in the hole.
  2. Don’t mulch right next to the stem. This will reduce the possibility of insect or rodent activity. Press down again around the root ball. To test whether the flower is secure, gently tug the flower. If it comes loose or wriggles then it is not securely in place. If it stays still then it is situated correctly.
  3. Water the flower one more time. After this water every three to four days or when the soil becomes dry. Don’t overwater, that will drown the roots.
  4. Sun and warmth will now complete the job and the flower will grow. The plant’s own energy will take over now.
