Interesting facts – Freesia Flowers

There is no denying the beauty of freesia flowers and their amazing perfume will fill any room. These flowers are often paired with other blooms and, for the most part, the rest of the bouquet will have a very mild scent. This allows your freesias to really stand out even if they are not the focal flowers in the bouquet. When choosing freesia flowers for yourself or as a gift, you should keep these interesting facts in mind.

Different varieties

One of the most interesting facts about these blooms is that there are 16 different species available. Each one incredibly beautiful and bursting with the sweetest perfume.

Uses for this flower

Given the potent scent produced by this flower, it should come as no surprise that another one of the top interesting facts about freesias is that this scent is often used in beauty products like lotions and shampoos. It is also a popular option for air fresheners and scented candles.

Growing them yourself

Although they appear quite exotic, these plants can be grown in your garden. Provided, of course, that the right conditions are met. You will need to ensure that the bulbs you plant are healthy. For growers, one of the most important of all the interesting facts about freesias is that the bulbs need to be exposed to dormancy-breaking heat treatment. This involves exposing them to a tropical environment for a duration of approximately 12 weeks. Temperatures need to be about 30 degrees Celsius and the plant will need well-drained soil with enough sun or light shade. The bulb needs to be planted 5cm below the surface and you should allow 5 – 8cm in between each bulb. Make sure that the bulb is facing up to ensure that it grows with ease. The prepared bulbs should be planted in autumn.

Potted plants

If you plan on growing freesia in a container, this pot should be 10 – 15cm deep. Rich, loam-based compost should be used as well as grit to ensure proper drainage. The bulbs should be properly watered and they should be kept in the shade. When you notice them sprouting, you can move the pot to an area where it will receive full sun. When the colourful buds appear, the plant can be moved indoors. The rich soil will provide the plant with all the nutrients it needs to grow and produce phenomenal flowers. Once the plant reaches the end of its bloom cycle, the leaves will start to fade and the bulb can be removed from the soil before it is stored in sand or peat. They should be kept dry and not exposed to extreme cold. They can be replanted once the ground warms up. If you stagger your planting, you will enjoy blooms for a longer period of time.

Their meaning

Another one of the most interesting facts is that these blooms are associated with thoughtfulness and friendship. They represent sweetness and innocence. For this reason, they are associated with the seventh wedding anniversary and they are also a popular gift for many other occasions.

Apart from these interesting facts, it’s also fascinating to note that there are 1,800 types of freesia that we are currently aware of. They are native to South Africa which is why they prefer a somewhat tropical climate. Their expected vase life is 10 days and they are one of the strongest-smelling flowers you will find at your florist.