Hydrangea bouquets perfect for autumn

When visiting your local florist or browsing flowers online, you will notice how often hydrangeas are used in some beautiful bouquets. Each flower is actually a small number of flowers arranged in a cluster on a plant. This is why they are so popular and why brides often use them in their wedding flowers. Hydrangeas bouquets are also used in funeral flower arrangements such as crosses and funeral hearts. Other flowers such as roses are used as accents and to add colour. Hydrangeas grow only in the summer of the year. However, under the right conditions, they can continue to bloom well into the fall. Hardy varieties to withstand low temperatures are called fall hydrangeas.

Popular varieties

In autumn, the oakleaf variety are a popular species for hydrangea bouquets. With upright stems and snow-white flowers, they are truly unique. Panical hydrangeas also sport beautiful white flowers, but as oakleaf varieties begin to die, the petals turn brown. The panical tree, on the other hand, turns a combination of pink and purple before it dies.

Perfect foliage

Like many trees and plants, you should also remember that not only flowers provide a beautiful representation of nature. In autumn, the leaves change colour before they begin to fall. As they change colour, a single piece of paper can display a combination of many colours. Like these plants, the oakleaf hydrangea also experiences this change in its leaves. The reason this is so special is that many other types of hydrangeas retain their green leaves well into late fall and early winter. Then, when the temperature drops, their leaves turn brown and fall off almost immediately. If you use this variety to create hydrangea bouquets, you can use the plant’s leaves instead of adding other foliage.

Pruning time

If you are lucky enough to have hydrangeas in your garden, you can cut them during the fall months. That said, when you buy your hydrangeas, you should ask a professional when the best time to prune them is. Of course, there are different types of hydrangeas and each one reacts differently to pruning. Following proper pruning instructions will ensure that your plants produce better flowers.

If you find that your hydrangea is not doing as well as you would like, you can move it to another place in your garden. Hydrangeas need a little sun to thrive. Consider moving them only when they are sleeping. You will know it is time when the last flowers begin to die. You may also find it helpful to trim them before you dig them up, as this will make moving them easier. When your plant is happy, it will produce plenty of blooms that you can use to create dozens of hydrangea bouquets for several months in the year.