How to care for a weeping fig tree

The weeping fig tree is a lovely addition to any home. They are one of the easiest plants to grow indoors and they will truly thrive if some very basic needs are met. If you receive or buy one of these plants, here’s what you need to know about regular care including watering and light.


When growing in its natural habitat, the weeping fig tree enjoys a semi-shady environment. However, indoors, this plant prefers plenty of indirect sunlight. It may even enjoy some direct sunlight in the morning. It is important to choose the right spot from the start since this plant does not like to be moved. If moved too often, you will notice a significant loss of leaves.


The soil should be kept moist but you do not want to overwater your weeping fig. If you notice leaves are dropping without any other explanation, this indicates root rot due to excessive watering. The plant will drop leaves during the beginning of the dry season but this is all the more reason to keep a close eye on its behaviour and make sure that you stick to the appropriate watering schedule.


When your weeping fig arrives, it will be planted in fast-draining potting soil. When repotting, it is important that you use the same type of soil in order to encourage healthy growth. This ties in with the watering point mentioned above. If the soil retains too much water and does not drain quickly enough, it will also result in root rot.

Temperature and humidity

At night, temperatures should not reach below 65F and, in the day they should not exceed 85F. Keep your weeping fig away from air conditioners since this will have a devastating effect on them. These plants are native to tropical areas which means that they enjoy higher levels of humidity. You can install a humidifier to keep them happy or even mist the leaves occasionally to improve the humidity around the plant.


In order to ensure healthy growth, it is recommended that you add the appropriate fertilizer during the growing season. If you notice that the plant is dropping leaves despite the fact that all of the above conditions are met, it might need some added manganese and magnesium.


Your weeping fig will grow at a rather rapid rate if you take proper care of it. You need to pay close attention to the plant and, when the time comes, you need to move it into a larger pot. In many cases, it will need to be repotted once a year.


You should trim your weeping fig if you want to keep it limited to a certain size or prevent it from outgrowing your home. You should prune the plant when it is no longer actively growing which is normally during the autumn or winter. Prune away any dead branches and leaves and inspect your plant for any signs of disease while you’re at it.

With these essential weeping fig tree care tips, you will get to enjoy your plant for many years to come. If you notice any pests, like mealy bugs, on the plant, remember to apply the appropriate pesticide in order to safely get rid of them.