House plant care tips

If you are planning on buying a house plant for yourself or a loved one, proper plant care will go a long way. Before placing your order, make sure that you know how easy or demanding the plant can be. If you are buying a plant for your own home or office, make sure that you are able to provide it with the basic conditions it needs to thrive. As a gift, you can include care instructions so that the recipient will be able to care for their new plant without question.

African Violet

The African Violet is one of the most popular potted plants available. As a house plant, you can expect it to bloom year after year with the appropriate care. They enjoy moist soil but you should allow it to dry out very well in between every watering. This encourages the plant to produce flowers. Make sure that you water around the base of the plant and avoid wetting the leaves since this can cause damage. They enjoy bright, indirect light. Pinch off wilted flowers as soon as you notice them and fertilize monthly while the plant is in its growing phase.


This is a hardy house plant and it enjoys bright, indirect light. You may even place it in an area that receives a small amount of direct sunlight each day. Keep the soil moist but not too wet or the roots will rot. You can pour water in the centre of the plant (where the leaves meet). The water will slowly drain into the soil providing the plant with water over a longer period of time. If your water is hard, remember that it is best to opt for distilled water. Alternatively, you can catch rainwater and save it for your potted plants.


Amaryllis plants enjoy warmer climates and you may notice that their flowers become heavy. You can support the flower stems on the plant with bamboo and raffia. If the plant is in bulb form, you need to keep it in a warm and bright room. When it starts to bud, it can be moved to a cooler spot. This helps extend the blooming period. Moderate watering is enough to keep this plant happy and it requires some full sunlight. Even after the blooming period, you should still allow your Amaryllis to enjoy direct sunlight for a few hours each day. Flowers that start to wilt should be removed right away. When the bulb becomes dormant, it should be stored in a cool, dry place.


Many people think that Bonsais are difficult to care for but this is not necessarily the case. The plant needs to be watered every 2 – 3 days and it should always be watered from the bottom. Submerge the pot in fresh water and allow the roots to soak up water for about 15 minutes before removing it. Pruning is required in order to maintain the size and shape of the plant. You will also need to trim 1/3 of the roots during the winter to keep the plant from getting too big. Fertilize every month to encourage new leaves and buds.


If you have an Azalea, you will need to place it in a cool spot with lots of indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist and don’t allow it to get too dry or too wet. Remove dead flowers as soon as you notice them. When repotting, do so when the plant is not blooming.


Roses are available in several varieties including as a house plant. They enjoy plenty of bright, indirect light as well as moist soil. Allow the soil to dry out before watering again. Remove dying flowers along with yellowing leaves as soon as you notice them.


While some Orchids can be tough to care for, there are several varieties that are really low maintenance. All they need is a well-ventilated spot with high humidity and plenty of indirect light. When the plant is dormant you can place it in a sunnier spot and avoid watering.


This house plant will enjoy brighter parts of the home as well as moist soil. After you water the plant, allow excess water to drain out and empty the drip tray to prevent the roots from rotting. You can support the flowers with bamboo sticks and raffia since they can become quite heavy.


If you are looking for a particularly hardy house plant, you can’t go wrong with a Cyclamen. They need just enough light and water in order to thrive. Dead flowers should be pinched off the plant as soon as they are noticed.

These are a few basic care tips for each type of house plant. No matter they type of plant you choose for your home, make sure that you are able to provide it with these basic needs. Too much water can cause root rot while too little will cause any plant to perish.