Geranium flower facts you may not know

Geraniums are also referred to as crane’s bill. There are more than 400 species of these plants and they are available around the world. The geranium flower is native to South Africa and they vary in height. Some grow as tall as 4 feet while others only reach a height of 6 inches. They are popular as garden plants and potted plants. They also have a lovely scent. Some smell like peppermint while others have an orange, rose, lemon or even a nutmeg scent.

Easy to grow

One of the reasons why the geranium flower is so popular is because it is so easy to grow. They are hardy plants and they can even be grown in hanging planters. The soil needs to be kept relatively dry in order to prevent the roots from rotting. Deadheading is also important if you want your plant to produce more flowers.

Spreading seeds

It is called crane’s bill because of the appearance of the seed capsule and not the geranium flower itself. This capsule looks like the bill of a crane and it bursts open to spread seeds. Essential oils made from this flower can be used in deodorants, as a diuretic and even as a tonic. It is known for helping reduce scars and other spots on the skin. It can also be used to make artificial rose oil which is used in perfume.

Repelling insects

If you want to keep bugs away, opt for a geranium flower that has a citronella scent. This smell helps keep insects like mosquitoes away. It is also great because you don’t have to worry about the plant proving toxic to you, your family or your pets.

Leaves for tea

It’s not only the geranium flower and its seeds that are useful. You can also use the leaves to make a delicious rose-scented tea. There are also recipes for cakes, jelly and even vinegar that call for a touch of geranium! As you can tell, this plant is perfectly safe for consumption so there is no need to worry if your child or pet gets too close.

If you are looking for a plant to brighten your home or the perfect gift for a loved one, you should certainly consider sending a geranium flower. These plants will put on an amazing show when in bloom and it will certainly brighten any room.