Flower uses when they start to wilt

When you receive a fresh bouquet of beautiful blooms, you want to hold on to them for as long as possible. Of course, all fresh flowers will eventually perish but this does not mean that you have to discard them completely. Here are some great flower uses to keep in mind when you receive a bouquet.


One of the best and easiest flower uses of all is to make your very own potpourri. The best part about this is that you can use some of the stems and the foliage too. As long as the plant material is properly dried out, you can add some essential oils, mix it all up and enjoy a fresh scent in your home! You can opt for a single oil variety or a combination if you prefer. Remember, some oils (like citrus varieties) are energizing while others (like lavender) are calming. So, consider which effect you would like to have on the room. Once the scent becomes faint, you can add a few more drops of oil, mix and enjoy again.

Dried arrangement

Another wonderful option if you are looking for flower uses other than displaying them in a vase with water, is to create your very own dried bouquet. Now, this means that, after a few days of enjoying them as fresh flowers, you will need to remove them from the vase and allow them to dry out. The easiest way of doing so is by hanging them upside down. This helps keep the petals in place as the flowers dry. Some flowers are great for drying, such as roses, but others are a bit too delicate. So, take into account the types of blooms in your bouquet when choosing this option. Once they are dried, you can display them in an empty vase or you can even place them in a box frame to protect them from wind and dust.


Similar to drying your bouquet, you could also press at least some of your flowers. Some foliage is also great for pressing. Usually, thinner petals and leaves are best for pressing. Flat flowers like daisies are ideal. Roses can be a bit thick and may not press very well. However, you could press the individual rose petals if you prefer. Pressed flowers and petals can be used in various arts and crafts, including decoupage. They can also be used to spruce up gift wrapping. Simply wrap the gift in some plain paper and carefully glue the petals in place.


One of the most interesting flower uses of all is in the kitchen. Not all flowers are suited for cooking but many of them can be added to hot dishes, salads or even simply used to garnish your plate. It is important to make sure that you use organic flowers and that you wash them thoroughly before adding to any dish. Do take care when selecting flowers for your food since some flowers do have toxic properties.

Natural compost

If your flowers have already started to wilt and you are not able to make the most of the flower uses listed above, not to worry. Your garden can still benefit from some natural compost. If you don’t have a garden but you have potted plants, you can let your flowers dry out thoroughly and keep them in a bucket. This way, when you repot any of your plants, you can add some of this plant material to the base in order to provide natural nutrients and allow for better drainage.

With these handy flower uses in mind, you will never need to let a single bloom go to waste. You can enjoy them at least for a few days in the vase before considering what you would like to do with them once they look like they’ve seen better days.