Autumn foliage to complete your bouquet

When you take a look at any flower arrangement, you will most likely notice that it will include various elements – including some greenery. Now, different seasons bring different flower arranging styles and it’s important to understand that autumn foliage may differ considerably from the greenery you use in summer bouquets. Here are some ideas to keep in mind for this mild season.


If your design calls for autumn foliage in the form of a shrub, you are in luck because there are a few options. One of the most popular is ninebark because of its amazing colours. It ranges from deep red to light green and can really help transform your bouquet. Another option is baptisia. It has soft, flat and round leaves with a lovely blue-green colour. They look beautiful when paired with yellow blooms.


Grasses aren’t just great as autumn foliage, but they can be used in designs throughout the year. The key is choosing the right type of grass for your design. In the case of autumn designs, two popular choices include panicum violaceum and chasmanthiumsp. Of course, if you can’t find these in your area, you can use something like green hops to line the rim of your vase.

Larger leaves

If you need larger leaves for your arrangement, you should consider something like mahonia, senecio or hemlock. Of course, ivy is another popular choice and can be used in arrangements throughout the year.

Handheld bouquets

Unlike vase arrangements, a handheld bouquet will have somewhat different requirements when it comes to foliage. You may like to use your autumn foliage to create a backdrop for the blooms and fill in spaces here and there. If your bouquet is to have a bit of a trail, you can use something like ivy to create this longer design.

Dried bouquets

While we usually think of fresh flowers when decorating our homes, dried bouquets can also serve us very well. Especially during this transitional period. A dried bouquet should still have autumn foliage but, like the flowers, it should be dried too. Sticks, straw and similar natural elements will work perfectly in these designs.

When creating an autumn bouquet and choosing your autumn foliage, the key is to seek inspiration from your surroundings. Take a look around outside and see what nature has to offer. More often than not, this is where you will find just what you need to complete the perfect floral display.